Our Call Forward and Ticket Queue Systems
Our sophisticated range of Queue Management Software


AUTOCALL visual paging system key pad

AUTOCALL Applications

Our Pub, Club and Restaurant visual paging system, namely AUTOCALL, was amongst our first product ranges and is still the first choice of groups such as Browns, Toby, Harvester, Las Iguanas, Jamie's Italian, Richoux, Exchange Bar and Grill, Quod, Metrodiner, Samuel Smiths and many thousands more.

AUTOCALL ... simply a design classic

AUTOCALL visual paging system display


  • Extensive range of proven software.
  • Customised display panels using 20mm or 60mm LED.
  • Easily expanded with extra displays and key pads.
  • Designed and programmed by Clive Simmens.
  • Renowned Ctronix long life and reliability.