Our Call Forward and Ticket Queue Systems
Our sophisticated range of Queue Management Software

News 2008

Plymouth revisited

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Plymouth Civic Centre
Plymouth Council Offices
Plymouth is the largest city on the South coast of England, with a population of more than 257,000. In Spring 2006, we were contacted by Plymouth Council's Chief Executive's Office for specialist advice.

The Council had recently installed LA CRM, the Local Authority CRM Application, which is maintained and developed by Information Services Belfast(ISB).

System 16 Queue Management hardware was already in use in the Reception and Interview room areas in the Civic Centre and Plymouth wanted to integrate LA CRM to an enhanced Queue Management system with Customer Information screens.

Plymouth Council began the project by redesigning their Tier1 Reception area to include 8 stylish Counter positions and contemporary seating and they installed 2 Professional 32" TFT screens over the Counter area. We supplied Ultra Bright 60mm displays for the new Reception Counter positions and installed a Smartmonitor software module to drive the TFT screens and call customers forward for service.

The Tier2 area with 12 Interview rooms was fitted with a LED Customer display. Smartsoft software modules were installed to link each area and to integrate with LA CRM.

In 2008, we were contacted by Plymouth Council to add their Cash office Counter facility to the Queue Management and CRM system. The Tier3 Cash area was fitted with 4 Counter displays and a LED Customer display. We also supplied additional Smartsoft modules to integrate to LA CRM.

Plymouth Council are very pleased with the result, a customised 24 position Queue Management solution arranged as 3 separate waiting areas with full integration to LA CRM.